First Impression: Bliss Kiss Sample Kit and Madam Glam's Snow White

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Well hello there lovely nailies!! I am pleased to bring you the Bliss Kiss Sample Kit with Simply Peel. I have waited a long time to be able to use this. I felt it was a great way to see how the oil helped out with my nail growth. Plus I get a cute little bottle of Simply Peel, a cute little glass nail file, and oils that smell (good or bad? We'll find out soon enough). 

My Madam Glam Snow White polish arrived at the same time. Oh my nail mail! 
It was a good day. We'll save that for last.

First up is Simply Peel. Unfortunately there's always a down side.... I'm allergic to latex. This is NOT latex free. I knew it wasn't latex free though so I didn't use it. Even though I won't be able to see it dry in all it's glittery goodness, there's always a plus side too. I can still admire the cute little bottle. I'm way too obsessed with this little bottle. 
This gold bag it came in is very nice too! Much better than my horrible black table as a background. Yikes.


Simply Peel is great for putting around your nails when you want an easy clean up during your nail polish adventures. Make sure not to get it on your nail art because it will peel right off. It's really a shame that I wasn't able to use this. 
But that bottle though.

To continue my obsession with all things mini, do you see my new little mini glass nail file!?!? It is the cutest! Perfect size for traveling. I don't have to worry about carrying my big one around anymore. I can just throw this one in my wallet for easy access. I put the Simple Sealed Lotion Stick next to it for size reference. It's the size of a normal chapstick. 


The Simply Sealed Lotion Stick actually caught me off guard. I figured it would be a little like chapstick but it was so much softer. It almost melts onto your lips. So it's great for that glossy look. I actually like sticks like this. They work best after a good lip exfoliant. 

I just want to jump right into these smells and say that these are my opinions only. My opinions don't affect the quality of the product. Honestly I only liked 2 out of the 4 smells.

-Summer was a WINNER. Oh my goodness I could just roll around in this smell. I love summer!
-Winter was a WINNER. One word: peppermint. Perfect smell to bring on thoughts of winter.
-Crisp was a NOT REALLY. I couldn't quite describe this smell. It reminded me of those pages in a magazine you can peel open for a sample of the new fragrance.
-Pink Sugar was a NOT REALLY. Maybe if I was 10 and had enough money to buy the new fragrance at Limited Too or something then I would like this smell. I could always send it to my nieces. I know they would appreciate it. Just in time for gifts! 

These scents are the samples for different hydrating oils besides the non-scented one. 

Hydration is important! Besides drinking water, those baby nails need love. I can see why having a secented hydrating oil would be lovely to have but it's just not for me. I might use the smells as a perfume or put it in my hair for that extra sexy touch. I don't think I could handle it on my hands. Mya would never let me pick her up! Like whoa mom, calm down on the smells!  

This wonderful Simply Pure Hydrating Oil is going to be great for hydrating my baby nails. I've heard a lot of good things about this oil. 
I'm very very excited to keep track of my nail growth while using this. It has a twist cap to push the oil out into this extremely soft brush tip. 
Funny side story. Directions say to twist cap 15-40 clicks and who counts those? I guess I should have because I just twisted like I didn't know what I was doing and ended up with a very oily brush tip. Not a problem tho. Extra love for the baby nails.

 This oil is amazing! Maybe it's just the soft brush tip but WOW. It's not overly oily, it rubs in well, dries fast. So many good things about this oil. I'm actually pausing every now and then as I write this so I can feel my cuticles. So so soft. I don't regret buying this sample kit one bit. 

Which is a good thing because my Madam Glam Snow White polish arrived with this kit! Like I said earlier happy nail mail day to me! I'll be sure to add in how my nails look in this white when they get a little bit longer. I'm a little too shy about my nubbies and horrible paint job at the moment. 


Without hesitation this polish is amazing. Everyone that does nail art I think is looking for the perfect "opaque in one coat" white polish. Girl let me tell you THIS IS IT. One coat and done. White nails. I didn't put a top coat on to see how the chip factor was during my every day routine. Small chips here and there of course but I loved wearing it. First color on my nails in a while. I was pleased. 

So that's it for my first impression review of the Bliss Kiss Sample Kit and Madam Glam's Snow White. I can't wait to do more of these on my future nail mail adventures. Did you receive any nail mail today? If so, let me know what you got! If not, then I hope it comes in tomorrow.


Beauty Guru (parody)

Friday, December 11, 2015

I think every girl at some point in their social media life wants to be a beauty guru. 
At least I did, and still do!

But sometimes we don't always get it right. Sometimes we want to be like the best and just don't make the cut. And sometimes we just have to laugh at the outtakes and the bloopers.

I decided to make my very own Beauty Guru parody video. There are so many out there. 
It wouldn't hurt to have another!
Check it out :)

Enjoy laughing! I hope.